Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunburn in December

So this may be a bit politically charged, and if so, I apologize.

Recently there has been a big to-do over some comments that some NC State students painted on NCSU's free expression tunnel. From what I can gather, they put up some nasty, totally ill-spirited comments about President-elect Obama right after the election. Something about "getting rid" of him I believe - just insert several racist remarks and you get the picture.

Now, good old Mr. Government got involved and determined that not only were these boys not posing a real threat to the soon-to-be-president, but they were totally within their legal right to be racist idiots. Imagine that, a place where people are free to be anything, even complete and total jerks, so long as they are all talk and draw the line before infringing on other's rights.

Well, there is now talk that the NAACP and a member of student senate (among others) want to have the boys expelled in spite of their clearance with the government and an official written apology to the university at large. I'm not stupid, I know that had to apologize but come on, they didn't do anything deserving of expulsion. The sign outside of the tunnel clearly states "Free Expression Tunnel," I know because I've seen it many times. If you'd read some of the other highly inflammatory things I've seen in there, you'd know that it's generally understood to be a place where you can say anything without fear of censorship and punishment. I am not in any way condoning the poor taste and hateful belief's of these individuals. I think it is really sad for them that they're so limited in their ability to appreciate and love people who are different from them, if you want to know the truth. My biggest fear is that through incredibly unpopular free speech such as what these boys voiced, we will bit by bit chip away at our constitutional freedoms. I may hold some ideas that are very unpopular someday, and so may you. Isn't it nice to know that we can always say what is on our minds regardless of who doesn't like it?

In summation, I just don't want to see NC State and other universities, places that are known as the breeding ground for new ideas and free-thinking, become a stagnant and sterile environment in the interest of not hurting someone's feelings. I can't help but walk by now and, in my mind, read the sign as the "98.7% Free Expression Tunnel." That would be a tragedy.


Devin said...

Nothing can truly be considered censorship-proof if a college campus is in charge of it. Clearly, comments painted onto NC State's "free expression tunnel" affect the public opinion of that school. It's dumb, but that's the way things happen.

How did they trace the comments back to these individuals? Did they sign their name under the hateful remarks?

TheSloan said...

Apparently they have cameras in the tunnel for just such an occasion. Who knew?