Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall and the Fallen

Breathing in that wonderful fall air! I Just got back into Raleigh from a weekend in Wilmington. It's never quite what I'm expecting when I go back there, but it's always really nice. I hung out with Jacob, who I hadn't seen since this summer. I went to Carolina Beach and talked to a lot of my CCF friends for a while around the campfire before retreating back to the warmth of Jacob's apartment in Wilmington.

Funny story.

I get back in and ask Jacob where I can sleep.
He says, "Uh, the couch, or one of my roommates rooms. I don't know how Brian would feel about it, I don't think he would care, but I know Wayne wouldn't care. They're both out of town for the weekend.

Wayne doesn't really have a bed, it's just a floor mat with some sleeping bags on it. I push his sleeping bag to the side, throw all of my junk down on his floor, and spread my sleeping bag over the mat. At this point I'm pretty exhausted so I think it took me about 5 minutes to fall asleep.

I wake up to a banging on my door. I roll over and through bleary eyes I can see light in the room and someone entering. Under his breath he is muttering to himself things like, "Ugh, this is so weird. What the..., this is weird." I blink a few times and realize that this is not Jacob.

"Hey, man. What's up?" I ask.

"Uh, Hey," he responds.

"Wayne, I presume. Sorry for taking over your room," I say.

"Yeah man. I came in late last night," he says.

I feel my stomach sink. Jacob said he wasn't coming back. STUPID! Why did I listen to Jacob?

"I must have come in at, like, one in the morning," he told me, "I was like, 'what the hell? There's someone in my room.'"

He isn't angry, but I can tell he is still upset. I apologize again. He doesn't seem to hear me and continues with his story.

"Yeah, I had a girl." he says.

My stomach sinks a little more.

"And to top it off, Jacob's door was locked," he continued, "so I had to go outside and beat on his window to wake him up and find out what the hell was going on."

"Dude, you should have woken me up," I told him in my best nonchalant and innocent tone, "I'd have moved out to the couch for sure."

At hearing this, almost all of his irritation seemed to melt away. He told me it was "straight" and we ended up spending the morning playing video games and talking. The whole time his girlfriend slept in a lump under some blankets. I never saw her, but every once in a while she'd breath funny or shift around.

This is why you never sleep in your friends roommate's beds - unless you want to get to know them under awkward circumstances.

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