Thursday, November 13, 2008

Line of Best Fit

It has been nearly three months since I started working with CCF in Raleigh. Something doesn't seem right about that. Normally when there is a perceived time discrepancy it is because I feel like the time has gone by faster than in actuality, but with CCF in Raleigh I feel like I've been here a lot longer. So much has happened in just three months, and from the looks of the ministry schedule that we went over this morning in our staff meeting, there is so much more to come before the semester is over.

I'll spare you the boring and overly detailed recap of everything thrilling or, in the very least, noteworthy and condense it down to an incomplete list of realizations I've had thus far:

1) I've realized that it is quite possible to keep in touch with people who live more than two hours away by seeing them one or two times a month and making use of facebook.
2) I've realized that NCSU, while fascinating to me as a mega-institution of our state, is certainly not the place I should have gone to school. I was much better suited as a UNCW student.
3) Caswell people have a way of sneaking up on you no matter where you go.
4) Books really are the gateway to learning - the trick is finding books that you're interested enough in to fully engage mentally.
5) Table Tennis is almost frighteningly addictive.
6) Relationships with people will almost certainly make you less productive in your personal pursuits.
7) No ice cream is better than ice cream from the cows of NC State's Ag department.
8) The "Old Capital" is still used by the Governor and Lt. Governor.
9) Home is a luxury.
10) When you leave a place and come back, it's going to be different. So just enjoy the new 'way' that it is.

I'm also quite sure that I'm growing a good deal in my walk with Christ, but seeing as how I'm still in the middle of this period of growth I'm going to hold all comments on it until a later time. It's been really good so far, though.


Anonymous said...

I completely concur with #7! Amazing! It's a good thing I don't go to State.... I'd look like a 5'2" weeble-wobble from all the ice cream I ate.

Jordan said...

10) When you leave a place and come back, it's going to be different. So just enjoy the new 'way' that it is.

this is so true.
too bad i dont like it being different. hard to adjust. so i can totally sympathize with that.

good post pal.

Peter said...

i agree with the ice cream its amazing.
and im quite an accomphished ping pong player. we should play sometime.