Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking Snazzy, as Always.

Yes, I could have written a 4,000 word end-of-the-year extravaganza post about all that 2008 has meant to me and all that I've seen and observed in the lives of others but seriously, who has time for that? I have a party to get to and you probably do too, so lets get down to the good stuff: resolutions.

I only have one big one and thats to read 35 books in 2009. This may not seem like a big number, I know, but considering I've only read around 30-40 books since I graduated high school (four and a half years), it is kind of a big deal. I'll be doubling my reading material from that period in less than a quarter of the time. Who said you do your best learning in college? I was just warming up.

Book means it is a REAL book, not a booklet, children's book, etc.
If it's a guide book (Discover Sweden, How to Chew Custard) I have to read 2/3 of the book and skim the rest before I consider it "finished."

If you can think of anything else, post it in a comment.

I'm sure I have some other little resolutions lying around but they mostly deal with personal hygene and aren't very interesting anyway.

Bring it in with style, you know Yogi Bear would.

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