Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good Effort...

I have discovered the point at which you know you are athletically inept at whatever sport activity you are attempting. It is at precisely the moment when someone says "good hustle," usually in response to your fowling up a play miserably. This occurred to me the other day when I played Ultimate Frisbee with some of my new NC State friends on the Intramural fields behind the gym. Everyone I played with had played before, and of course I hadn't. As if it weren't enough that I was audibly panting like a mad cow after just five minutes of playing, I made the embarrassing mistake of fumbling a "frisbee touchdown" pass and falling - nay, crashing across the field after tripping up on my own feet.

I appreciate the good sportsmanship of my teammates who managed to remain encouraging while at the same time avoiding passing to me whenever possible. When, finally, they were left with no options but me, (because no one would waste time guarding me), or throwing it to another guy, which would make it obvious that they were avoiding me, they would painfully weigh their options and pass to me. Their semi-good faith was rarely awarded, as I most often managed to fumble even these open, easy passes.

I need to find some frisb-losers to play with.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nathan...

I can very much empathize with the ultimate Frisbee ineptness. I suffer from the same awful genes. Haha. You're in Raleigh? I didn't realize that. You're much closer than before!

Peter said...

i cant sleep so i figured that i would catch up on oyur blog. but call me when yall play again and ill come play with you. i love frisbee.