Friday, April 10, 2009

Show me the ....

Actual Picture of Death Cab playing in Davidson, NC on my birthday - 2009.

"Amazing still it seems
I'll be 23
I won't always love what I'll never have
I won't always live in my regrets"
Jimmy Eat World

I. Can't. Believe it. This just doesn't seem real that right now I'm 23 years old. I know that sounds dumb to everyone else but this is my blog and I hereby give myself permission to sound dumb on it. Truthfully, though - I'm getting older and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Funny thing is, by the time I figure it out, I'll probably be 25 and struggling to come to terms with that.

I'm not sad to be getting old. Just sad to say good by to the people and places of my late teens and early 20's. I know that in reality, they've been gone for a while now, but these anniversaries and their numbers force us to come to terms with such.

And not only the past, but the future as well. So many of the people I look up to and admire the most were already flying by the time they were my age. Here I stand with paper wings taped to my arms and a confused expression on my face. I have a long way to go before I bloom into whatever God has made me to be - or at least it feels like it.

No girl. No job. No house. No Roots. No idea.

...of where to go from hear.

But thats ok. Good, even.

Yesterday, my old roommates Jeff and Bryan and Caswell friend, JaySun, joined me for a Death Cab for Cutie show in Davidson, NC at Davidson College. The college is Beautiful - if I had been wealthy enough, smart enough, and perceptive enough, I would have gone there for the landscaping and architecture alone. We made our way to Belk Arena and then found four of the most AWESOME seats totally vacated right in the middle. We took them and the rest is history.

I usually write a lengthy review of shows that I go to, especially one's like DCfC, but this time I'm going to save it. I was able to bootleg (shhh!) the whole show, so I hope I'll always have a digital record of what it was like (complete with dumb conversation in-between songs with my friends). The last time I saw DCfC was at about the same time in 2006 - so I can say that they've come a long way and now have so much material that their full set and encore is over an hour and thirty minutes long!

What a birthday. Thanks to everyone who made it as fun as special as it was.

For now. I have some work to do on those wings of mine...

1 comment:

sarawr said...

just wanted to say this has been encouraging, the part about no roots, no idea, all of that. i'm not in the exact same boat, but i've been thinking a lot lately about that kind of thing and how open-ended everything has become and how awesome it is knowing that i don't know how but i do know that God is gonna surprise me with something amazing. maybe it's more exciting to be floating for a while, to not be sure? don't know, but that part was pretty cool.

(p.s. i'm friends with bryan, he linked me--awesome blog, sir!)