Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hardly Breathing

I'm going to start a video production company that does quality commercial work at an affordable price, but only on the weekends. I'll call it "Nearly Professional Videography."

I'm going to move to New York and break into the publishing industry from the ground up. Some day I'll work in a high-rise building and live in a townhouse overlooking some trendy urban park.

I'm going to be a missionary to New Zealand and spend a year there sharing Jesus with a country that would largely rather forget about him. When I'm done, I might decide to settle in there for a good long while.

I'm going to study law and work at a local (to my home) practice for the next 15-30 years.

I'm going to apply for Teach For America and start a long career in education by jumping into the grittiest urban education systems in the U.S.

I'm going to run for state congress while I'm still in my 20's and with my victory, seek a long career of public service.

I'm going to move to D.C. and - do whatever I can do in D.C.

I'm going back to school.

I'm going to become a college professor and wear tweed suits and bow ties.

I'm going to write the next great American novel and market it myself.

I'm going to eat more Indian food.

I'm going to become an amateur photographer.

I'm going to become a craig's list hawk.

I'm going to learn to write music that people other than myself can enjoy listening to.

I'm going to make wise investments and use my money to help people.

I'm going to find my true love.


I'm going to look back on this and think, "So that's what I was going to do..."


Mariah said...

so by true love, do you mean "the one" and, if so, do you believe there is only one girl out there for you? Discuss.

koohyuko said...

I rather like this post, Sir Nathan.