Sunday, March 8, 2009

Scotch Tape and Cigar Butts

New York City is - in a word - amazing. I spent the past week there for CCF NC State spring break as we went out each day serving the people of the city in a variety of different ways. I couldn't possibly cover everything that I've thought about and experienced in the past week - but I can talk about one of them that is pretty simple.

Freedom from the internet. I went almost a week with no email, facebook, nothing. Funny thing is, I kind of liked it. I would encourage anyone who reads this to take a few days off and see what I'm talking about because it's pretty refreshing.

Also refreshing - Malta. A Latin-American soft drink that I discovered thanks to Jon when we ate at "Munch Time USA" in The Bronx. Tastes like liquid horehound candy.

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