Monday, October 6, 2008

Some Notes on Reading

When I graduated college I decided that in order to make it as a successful writer and intellectual, I was going to have to start making myself read constantly. I didn't have a problem with this as a student because my professors made sure I had enough literature in front of me at any given time, (whether or not I read this literature in it's entirety is information I shall choose to keep to myself).
Perhaps you've noticed the little box at the upper right side of this blog that says "Currently Reading." I ripped this idea off of my friend, Jaysun's blog and decided it would give me a constant reminder to keep reading.
Perhaps you've also noticed how those same books have been on the list for quite a while, especially "Life of Pi." I started reading Life of Pi at my friend, Jeff's, recommendation. I've heard from him, and others, that it is a very good book. Unfortunately, I found the entire first section incredibly boring. I don't like the writing style and I can't get into the whole "incredibly brilliant young boy" aspect of the story. It just seems kind of lame. People tell me that the point where I'm at right now is right where it gets interesting, and I'll either verify or discredit this for myself in the coming weeks, but the problem is that I just can't seem to make myself read it lately because of how disappointed I was with the first third of the book.
As far as the other two books go, Jesus for President is really cool but I have to read it on a schedule with the rest of CCF staff, and Good to Great is a book of Joe's that I can only read when I'm over at his house.

Maybe I should stop writing for a while and start reading.

P.S. My sincerest apologies for what I consider to be one of the most boring posts I've ever published.

1 comment:

JaySun said...

Thanks for going to the show it was AWEsome.. and you came out of your shell for a little bit. Oh and be sure to change the link to my blog, it has been changed for like 6 moths now.

later my fire breathing friend