Monday, August 4, 2008

Rollin' on a River

I'm writing this from the computer in the Reception Center at Caswell. It is the last check in day of the summer - so bittersweet. Bitter because it means the summer is almost over...and because check-in day sucks, but sweet because I know it's going to be a great week like all the others this summer.

One of the big things returning staffers tend to do is rate their summers. This morning I was walking from the cafe to the staff house and I started rolling the whole thing over in my head. I came up with this order from worst to best: 2006, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2007, 2005. The more I think about it, the more idiotic this seems. I can't remember everything that made my experiences the other summers what they were. I've mentioned in past posts on my old blog how memories eventually get compressed for storage in our brains as memories of memories and more often than not, it's probable that those placeholder memories are far from accurate to the thoughts and feelings you had in the moment. The present is so weird because were never really in it, by the time you think your most recent thought, it's already in the past. So, in a way, we think of the present as the moment most recently passed and judge the past according to how recently we remember recalling it as the present (when it never really was the present).

I think I'm getting a little too heady for a check-in day. I'm going to go to my Guest Services meeting now and limit my ponderings on time to the pondering of how long it will take me to digest whatever concoction we're having for lunch in a couple of hours.

PJ just farted over the speaker phone.

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