Friday, August 8, 2008

You Were Always on my Mind

As I look at the coming end of the summer, I'm forced to reckon with the likely end of an era. The end of my tenure at Caswell. Though I'd love, (and do let me repeat, LOVE) to work here full-time, I really just don't think that's in the cards for me because job openings here don't just grow on trees. Well, most of the time they don't. I feel safe calling my time at Caswell an "era" because it really has been quite a long time. Over the past six summers people back home and from school have just stopped asking where I'll be from late May to early August. I'm all grown up now, supposedly, and it's time for me to pay grown-up bills and work grown-up jobs. That being said, I do find it a bit of a coincedence that my internship with CCF ends in May. Hmmm, what to do then?

I'm going to devote the lionshare of this post to a man whom I am sure to have inspired but one that has, from not-so-rare-occasion to not-so-rare-occasion, inspired me as well. Someone who is long overdue for recognition in my writings. That man is JaySun Webb. For starters, take his name. It is really spelled Jason, but he seriously insists on spelling it JaySun. Now I can't think of it any other way. That should tell you something about him. He may not come off as much when you first meet him, but he is the biggest dreamer I know, and unlike most people, he isn't easily discouraged from this habit.

When I tell people about the nature of JaySun's "big-dream" personality, I usually tell them something like this. He is a guy who has the most unrealistic aspirations for himself, more than anyone I've ever met before. In the year I've known him I've heard about his novel that he hopes to get published, his desire to start a rock band even though he did not have any idea how to play an instrument at the time, nor a real desire to sing or do anything else that would contribute to a rock band. He has wanted to be an actor and, at the same time, a filmmaker - going so far as to pitch story ideas to me. He has schemed an online store from which to sell his creative material and considered writing for semi-major magazines.

To most people, this seems like someone who has too many dreams and not enough sense to pick just one to follow. It seems downright foolish. But that's the beauty of JaySun and the beauty, I believe, of all succesful people. They are all foolish enough to believe that it's possible. When you aren't foolish enough, you'll definantly never make it. I am convinced that someday, somewhere, the name of JaySun Webb will be known for something. I'm still not sure quite what but it will because he really believes in himself. I only hope that a little of that drive has rubbed off on me.

JaySun. Don't forget me when you're big.

JaySun's Blog


JAYSUN said...

I know you didnt mean anything by it, I even said that in my post, But it did bring back a lot of memories that i wish I could forget about. You are one of the best friends I have had in a long time and its because you don't completly put me down when I have some hair brained scheme.
I love you

TheSloan said...

I know it sounds a little like a slam - I certainly didn't intend it as one. Why would you slam your friend in a post that you know he's going to read? Changing the way your name is spelled, for whatever reason, was just a way to say, "Hey, even though he has a normal name he's different, and he wants to let you know it." I knew the reason it was changed, his conversion to Christianity - a Saul to Paul homage - which I think is really cool. But it's still something that makes you stick out as I don't know anyone else that would to a different phonetic spelling of their name.
Your hair-brained ideas are what is beautiful about you. All of your friends (and girlfriends) that have ever stuck around you for any length of time are people uniquely qualified to see how your drive to do things that other people wouldn't even think up in the first place, let alone try to put into motion, is what makes you so cool. My only fear in posting this was that you would realize that you have this habit for the first time and stop - but I decided that it was too much a part of who you were. You can always tell me what new thing you have up your sleeve and I promise you, I'll be more likely to offer my hand in help than tell you you're stupid and crazy. Even if in that particular instance you are being stupid and it is crazy.
i love you too.

JAYSUN said...

To be honest it actually inspired me to work on something that I have been putting off. I think the lack of my sleep is due to me putting this "project" off but I am going to finish this project Today or Tomorrow and hopefully i will get some sleep. Thank you for inspiring me to do so even if it wasn't intentional.

I will call you later and maybe let you see the "project" I call it project but it isnt really just something i have to do.